Fall Pruning and Removal – Accepting 2018 Fall Scheduling!

Fall and winter are seasons prone to leave trees and fallen branches on your property, or worse, your persons. 1 oz. of Prevention = 1 lbs. of Cure. If you’re worried about a tree, don’t hesitate; call now! Ask about our Service Members discounts, EMT, Police, Military, Fire Personnel, City Janitor, If you serve the public for your living; let our owner know! He would like to personally thank you for your service with a discount. Contact Us

Tree Truck, facing the evening sky, overlooking a beautiful blue lake with bright greenery around it’s shore

2 Replies to “Fall Pruning and Removal – Accepting 2018 Fall Scheduling!”

  1. Paul, we talked about some of the trees, etc that need pruning when you were here. I have more I’d like done so please let me know when you’re available. Thank you.

    Forwarded your address to Paul.

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